Friday, May 6, 2011

A Band, A Place to Play

So many of you know my passion for music. You also know that before I left for Africa, I had it in mind to get a band together and impact the world with our music and that it started. Well, it's all back!
After doing some preliminary recordings for a concert in Nigeria, last year, I've picked up a bass player and a recording producer. This past month, we've picked up a drummer and also a practice space. We've been practicing the last three weeks and it's been so great, creating together. We're working on songs, planning a CD recording my the end of the year and also wanting to hit the club circuit, impacting lives. Here are some shots of the studio, where we get to practice anytime we want.

1 comment:

hana said...

Nice and cozy studio :)
Let it out- Let His Glory come forth like CRAZY!!